Cowboy CultureWhat Is A Cowboy Church?

The Cowboy Church is church designed to reach those in the western culture that for whatever reason have not gotten involved in the traditional church.  Who is the Western Culture?

  • Working Cowboys – Those who make all or part of their living on horseback.
  • Professional Rodeo Cowboys who make part or all of their living on the rodeo circuit.
  • Arena Cowboys and Cowgirls – Those who make their living somewhere other than the ranch or rodeo but they love the arena activities such as team roping, barrel racing, team penning, ranch rodeo, sorting, cutting, play day, etc.
  • Cattle People – Those who may be large ranchers with hundreds of head of cattle, or those who own a few cows or even one FFA or 4H steer.  They may or may not use horses.
  • Horse People – These are people who love horses, they may trail ride, western pleasure, show horses, race horses or just have a few nags in the pasture, and they may or may not care anything about a cow.
  • Cowboys at Heart – People who just love the cowboy and what he stands for.  They wear boots, jeans, and cowboy hat. They listen to country music, have all of John Wayne’s movies on DVD, and Capt. Augustus McCrae and Capt. Woodrow Call are their heroes.
  • Cowboy Mentality – People may be linked to the culture through their past, parents or family. They are people who live by a code: "your word is your bond", "an honest day's work for an honest day's pay".  They may be electricians, carpenters, law enforcement officers, firefighters, business men, working folks, country folks, people who love the land, farmers, hunters, fishermen.

A Church Where Everybody is Somebody!

Core Beliefs

We believe the Bible is the very word of God and is to be our final authority in all matters of faith and life.

We believe in one God that exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died to save men from their sins;  He rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father and one day will come again.

We believe that men are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe that baptism by immersion is the means by which people are to publically profess their faith in Christ and identify themselves with His death, burial, and resurrection.

We believe we must stay true to the Cowboy Culture while we spread God’s Word to the lost and un-churched.

Membership Information

Membership Info

Fill out a green card and talk to Pastor, Jimmy or an elder today!